Life of Buddha-Dharma
Mr. Freeman finds the truth of Dharma. Here listen to the dharma talk, Life of Buddha-Dharma. #MrFreeman
Rev. HOJO's blog: Dharma message, reflection, and awareness
Hi, I'm Hojo Tone
I'm the resident head priest of Joganji Buddhist Temple.
I was born in 1969 and reaised at Joganji Buddhist Temple. When I was 16 years old, I became first ordained of Pure Land Shin Buddhist tradition, and earned Master digree of Buddhist Studies at Ryukoku University, at the same time I became full ordained as Pure Land Shin Buddhist priest. At 26 years old I moved to the United States of America as the oversea's Buddhist priest of Shin Buddhism with Zen Buddhism practice.
I returned to Japan in 2014 as the head priest of Joganji Buddhist Temple.
My interest is horse riding, Jogging, and traveling with Onsen hot-springs. I have own family, my lovely wife, Satomi. She is first ordained as a Shin Buddhist and a Pediatrician as MD.